Moving Cost Moving Calculator Calculate your Move Cost in a Few Quick Steps How It Works Calculating your move cost is quick and easy! Follow the instructions on each step, or call to receive a free quote for your upcoming move. Steps Contact info Move info Your discount Additional info Cost Calculation Start Now Your Contact Info Your first name: Your last name: Your email address: Your phone number: Your Move Info Move type: —Please choose an option—StudentResidentialOfficeCommercial / IndustrialGovernment / MilitarySpecial EventOtherNot Sure Move size: —Please choose an option—Just a few itemsStudio1 BR2 BR3 BR4+ BRSmall OfficeMedium OfficeLarge OfficeOtherNot Sure Origin (pickup) Moving From: Property Type: —Please choose an option—ApartmentStorageHouseOfficePodRental truckCondoTown-HomeOtherNot Sure Distance Truck Can Park From Door: —Please choose an option—Under 10 feet10-20 feet21-50 feet51-100 feetOver 100 feetNot Sure Floor: —Please choose an option—-2-1012345+Not Sure Elevator Available: —Please choose an option—YesNoNot sure Destination (delivery) Moving To: Property Type: —Please choose an option—ApartmentStorageHouseOfficePodRental truckCondoTown-HomeOtherNot Sure Distance Truck Can Park From Door: —Please choose an option—Under 10 feet10-20 feet21-50 feet51-100 feetOver 100 feetNot Sure Floor: —Please choose an option—-2-1012345+Not Sure Elevator Available: —Please choose an option—YesNoNot sure Your Discount Mid-month discount - Save 10% Move on the 2nd or 3rd week Except on the 15th and the 16th Weekend discount - Save up to 15% Move on Saturday or Sunday Choose your discount: —Please choose an option—No discount10% Off - Middle of month move13% Off - Saturday move15% Off - Saturday move Move Date (click the icon): Promo code (optional): Additional Information In your move urgent? —Please choose an option—NoYes, today or tomorrow at the latestYes, within 2-3 daysYes, within a weekNot sure Do you want to rent plastic moving bins? —Please choose an option—NoYesNot sure Do you want to buy moving supplies? —Please choose an option—NoYesNot sure Do you need help packing? —Please choose an option—NoYes, partial packingYes, full packingNot sure Do you need storage? —Please choose an option—NoYes, only for a few daysYes, only for a few weeksYes, 1-3 monthsYes, 4-6 monthsYes, 6-12 monthsYes, over a yearNot sure Are you making additional stops? —Please choose an option—NoYes, up to 2 additional stopsYes, more than 2 additional stopsNot sure Are you planning on moving any of the following items? (check all that apply) PianoSafe (over 600 lbs.)Artwork (over $2,000)AntiquesHot TubWine CollectionAquariumExercise EquipmentElectrical FixturesPool TableHeavy Furniture (over 600 lbs.)None of the above Anything else we should know? Cost Calculation How did you hear about us? —Please choose an option—Repeat client (used before)Referral (recommendation)Search EngineSocial NetworkReviews Websites [group pm-group-usersource-repeat] [/group] [group pm-group-usersource-referral] Who recommended us (optional) [/group] [group pm-group-usersource-search] Where did you search? (optional) —Please choose an option—GoogleMicrosoft / BingOther [/group] [group pm-group-usersource-social] Which network? (optional) —Please choose an option—InstagramFacebookRedditOther [/group] [group pm-group-usersource-reviews] Which website? (optional) —Please choose an option—YelpAngiOther [/group] [group pm-group-usersource-search-other] Which search engine did you use? (optional) [/group] [group pm-group-usersource-social-other] Which social network did you use? (optional) [/group] [group pm-group-usersource-reviews-other] Which reviews website did you use? (optional) [/group] [group pm-group-usersource3] [/group] Click "Next" and wait for confirmation on the next page.