Eid al-Fitr

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Eid al-Fitr

Tonight We Feast! Tomorrow We Move!

Tonight is the night that we’ve all been waiting for all month! In the Muslim world and community, Eid al-Fitr is the evening which marks the official end of Ramadan. After an entire month of fasting every single day from dawn until dusk, Eid al-Fitr is celebrated with a majestic feast, where families and communities eat together and celebrate a positive, strong, and holy duration of the year until the next Ramadan.
With the end of the commemoration of the yearly Ramadan, it is quite easy to look at Eid al- Fitr is even more fun, bolder, and overall better than the thing it works on promoting. Some people can look forward to the end of Ramadan and the ability to eat again during the day, but they see how joyful and celebratory Eid-al Fitr is and expect something even more, which is likely not to come.
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