Evacuation Day

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Evacuation Day

The British are Moving! The British are Moving!

Today we fight for freedom! Ok, wrong war and battles, but on Evacuation day we do commemorate and celebrate the British evacuation out of Boston, setting a precedent that would continue through the Revolutionary War, and lead to the eventual British surrender and the creation of our United States of America.

Maybe this can actually be considered one of America’s truly most successful moving stories, one for the history books! One that would make us here proud! However, it must not have been the most pleasant move for the British troops, who had to quickly get out of Boston without even the help of a single moving van. Unbelievable.

Well, when it comes to your next big move, thankfully you and your family are NOT getting chased out of town by American militia members attempting to create a new nation. More likely you’re moving to a new home on your own volition and it’s a very happy occasion! Either way, a good mover is needed. Why not use Perfect Moving? Help evacuate expensive, low quality movers and hire us for a low cost, efficient, and stress-free moving experience.

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