Eve of Passover

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Eve of Passover

Don’t Let These Moving Deals Pass You Over!

Moses was really trying his best to get the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt. So, when he finally got the opportunity after all that time, he took it. He knew, however, that Pharaoh could not be trusted, and so took all of the Jews out as quickly as humanly possible. So quickly, in fact, that they were only able to grab a few prized possessions and the clothing on their backs and run. So quickly that the dough for the bead they planned to bake that evening did not even have the few minutes necessary to rise. A real grab and go situation.
It is a result of this rush to leave Egypt that led to the tradition of eating Matzah, unleavened bread crackers, for Jews on Passover all over the world. It may also explain our Jewish worry and anxiety, but that’s neither here nor there. What it did do, though, is lead to the beginning of the recorded history and travels of the Jewish people, and the beginning of their journey to Israel. Good things can come when one is rushed, sometimes you must take the opportunity.

You may not be fleeing from slavery, but a big move can still occur on very little notice in today’s day and age. If a big opportunity approaches and you need to rush out and still want a successful and organized move, don’t worry! With Perfect Moving it is absolutely possible, and it’s our pleasure! We offer the same high quality service for moves on little notice, overnight moves, same day moves, and whatever challenges you and your move can throw at us!

Call us now for a free quote; this is one deal you won’t want to Pass Over!