Pride Month

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Pride Month

Proud to be Perfect Moving

Is that a rainbow in the sky brightening up our day to begin this lovely month? Nope, that’s just the beginning of Pride Month and all of its celebrations! This month, we honor the LGBT community, their collective fight and struggle, and celebrate their historic contributions to all facets of our great nation and society. This month serves as a reminder to the rest of the year to love your neighbor, and to celebrate and preserve all that is different, beautiful, and the life of the party!
Perfect Moving prides itself not just on our impeccable moving and storage services and incredible prices, but also the example we live by and want to send to the community at large. We welcome any customer, partner, and employee into our family with respect and with love, regardless of your ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or otherwise. We are all equal and equally loved and respected.
No matter who you are, know that you always have a friend and ally with Perfect Moving. Know as well that for your next move, we promise you the best service around, always-fair prices, and a team that will make you feel like family. And we love our family.
Visit our website and use PromoCode “Pride” for 10% off your next move!