Texas Independence Day

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Texas Independence Day

Everything is Bigger in Texas. Except for Your Next Move: No Move is Too Big

The Texas Declaration of Independence was formally signed in 1836, creating the new Republic of Texas, the predecessor for what would become such an integral part of American history and culture: the Lone Star State. From giving us true Cowboy Culture, Texas has bestowed America with almost two centuries of lifestyle influence, media, economic boosts, and pure character as big as its land area.
And it’s true: everything is bigger in Texas! The food, the land, the homes, the personality, and of course, the legacy. And they do say bigger is always better. But maybe that’s not always true. We can leave the bigger things to thrive in Texas, but what if you don’t want your next move to be so big? What if you want a quick, small, breezy move and just to get it over with.

Well, look no further than Perfect Moving! If you want your ‘big’ move to be much smaller and inconspicuous in actuality, then we are the movers for you. We pride ourselves in getting in, packing up, moving, and that’s it. Quick moving, dependable service, courteous and calm movers. What more could you ask for? Oh that’s right, prices that are far more on the small side. You do you, Texas, and we’ll stick to us.

Call today and get a free moving quote! Yee-Haw!