Civil Rights Day

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Civil Rights Day

Move on Up! Celebrate the Civil Rights Movement Wherever Your Home May Be

Civil Rights Day is on the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., an American icon and legend whose tireless work helped usher in a new era of American rights, fairness, respect, and human equality and dignity.
This day is a celebration, commemoration, and stark reminder to all in our great nation that all are truly created equal, and that every man, woman, and child deserves equal respect and treatment, both in the eyes of the law and in day to day life and interactions.

Perfect Moving does not pretend to be bastions or heroes of Civil Rights, much less so on the level of Dr. King, and those who both preceded and succeeded him in the fight for human equality. However, on this great day and important day, we again state our dedication to the morals and principles which this day represents, and solidify our vow to uphold them, even if on the smallest scale.

Our team of movers prides itself on inclusion, equality, and always treats every single customer, coworker, and fellow human with love, patience and respect. We’re also proud of our prices and our work ethic, but when celebrating a day like this, those almost become secondary.

Give us a call today, get a free quote, and let us show you.