Moving From Sinai to Your New Home
On Shavuot, Jews and Jewish communities worldwide celebrate the giving of the Torah to the Jewish People at Mt. Sinai, an event which laid the backbone and blueprints for all Jewish history, religion, and culture to come. But could you imagine the moving and logistics that it must have taken to get the entire Jewish Nation gathered at Sinai, and then back to traveling onwards as a group? No wonder the Jews took 40 years wandering through the desert!
If Perfect Moving were the ones allowed to give the Torah to the Jewish people at Sinai, rest assured we would have added an extra chapter or two (or at least an extra commandment) on the principles of moving. There is absolutely no way that a move, even with thousands of people, would take 40 years on our watch. We could have at least added an 11th Commandment dealing with organization.
When you have your next big move, leave the wandering in the desert as a total thing of the past. With Perfect Moving, we’ll lead you through the desert, past Sinai, through the city, and to your dream home in no time, with no stress, and with service that will leave you in awe.
Call us today for a free quote and to find out more!