If Mozart hired Perfect Moving to move his piano

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If Mozart hired Perfect Moving to move his piano

Perfect Piano Move

Mozart’s piano moving predicament

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is likely the premier composer of all of music’s history. He is the king of the Waltz, the prodigy composing beautiful sonatas from the young age of 5 until his death, and he recorded hundreds of elaborate pieces still played and enjoyed today. But when it comes to moving situations, even Mozart is still human, and he would have needed the necessary help to move his piano whenever he was taking up a new residence or wanted it for a special concert.
What should he do? There doesn’t seem to be a plethora of reliable movers who could be trusted with such cumbersome yet valuable artifacts in Mozart’s contact list. May we make a suggestion? Mozart should go with the safest, most reliable moving company with the best service and friendliest, most trustworthy employees: his friends down at Perfect Moving!

Mozart moves with Perfect Moving

You may be familiar with the fantastic, efficient service and warm personal touch of the movers at Perfect Moving, but were you aware that they were just as popular as a moving team back in the 18th century Austrian Court?
Please don’t fact check that.
So, obviously, when Amadeus has to get his beloved ivory partner safely to its next location, Perfect Moving is the only way to go. Who else would you trust to move the instrument of the greatest composer in human history? Writing and sending a notice would take too much precious time, so Mozart sends his assistant to the Viennese neighborhood Perfect Moving office, hires movers for the day, and they set off to move the most famous piano in existence.

Amadeus moves his piano the Perfect Moving way

Perfect Moving now gets to swoop in (or more correctly, politely and courteously walk in) and get this crucial move of historic proportions done right. How could we live with ourselves knowing we did any damage to the maestro’s grand piano? Thankfully, our Perfect Moving team is trained, prepared, and confident, and always ready to make every move our own, no matter the pressure. Mozart plays his harpsichord on the side to raise the alright bright, cheery mood.
It’s always a cheery day when you hire Perfect Moving to do your moving moving work; no matter the occurrences or weather of the outside world, rest assured that Perfect Moving and our movers will always bring nothing but professionality, warm demeanors, and the most courteous manners into your home. It’s not just any mover that has the tough, strong grit to get any move done, yet also the stately manners to move the Viennese Court (or any grand and opulent setting).

Perfect Moving saves the day

With Perfect Moving on the job, there is nothing that can stand in the way of Mozart, his piano, and the musical wonders that they’re on the path to create. The moving team carefully, quickly, and efficiently takes off each piano leg, the mammoth lid, as well as the lyre (the piece containing the grand’s foot-pedals), wrapping each individual piece deliberately with wrapping paper and special mover’s blankets.
The piano is then (carefully!) propped by the team on its flat side, onto a dolly, and rolled to the awaiting moving van (sorry, wagon/cart) directly onto its bed. The entire instrument is tightly tied down to the cart, strapped and locked in on all corners and sides, with the legs, lid, and lyre getting their own special place, away from the body of the piano and safe from harm or bumpy roads. The team tightens the piano down with even extra force, as cobblestone streets are not exactly a mover’s best friend.
To Mozart’s (and Vienna’s) delight, the most is a complete success! The bumpy, uneven roads, the frigid Austrian air, and a tight time constraint all prove to be no match for the trained, efficient, and polished work of the Perfect Moving moving team. And now all of Vienna can see for themselves, with the Perfect Moving slogan written proudly on the side of the piano wagon, and having Mozart as a reference doesn’t hurt either.
The team quickly gets the piano to its new home, it goes back on the cart, rolled into the salon, everything is efficiently put back together, and voila! Mozart has his beloved grand piano safe, sound, in one majestic piece, and everything without even as much as a single scratch on it or one chord out of tune. Now, that’s moving craftsmanship!
As a thank you for his amazing service received during his piano’s move, Mozart showed his gratitude to Perfect Moving by composing the “Jupiter” symphony in their honor, which is still appreciated by audiences today.
Please also don’t fact-check that.


Just remember, if Perfect Moving was the choice by someone as serious about his piano as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (and we guarantee that, had we been around then, we certainly would be), then we should be the no-brainer decision when you need someone to move your piano, or any instruments, safely and efficiently. You may not be Mozart, and your piano may not have been played by his hand, but you won’t see that distinction in our service. We will move you and your piano with the care that even the greatest would expect.
Call Perfect Moving today and have your piano moved with quality that would make Mozart proud.